Thursday 15 December 2022

Real numbers/Euclid's division lemma


                     Real numbers/Euclid's division lemma.


Since our childhood we have been using it for fundamental operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.We have applied these operations on natural numbers in teachers. Rational number, an irrational number.

Euclid's Division lemma tells us about the divisibility of integers. It is quite easy to state and understand. It takes that any positive integer A can be divided by another positive integer be.In such a way that it leaves a remainder are.That is a smaller than be.This is nothing but the usual long division process.Euclid's Division lemma provides a stepwise procedure to compute the head chef of two positive integers. This stepwise procedure is known as Euclid's Algorithm.We can use the same for finding the H.C.F of positive integers.

The fundamental theorem of arithmetic tells us about expressing positive integers as a product of prime integers. It states that every positive integer is either prime or it can be factored as a product of powers of prime integers. This theorem has many significant applications in mathematics and in other fields.

To find head, CF, and LCM of a positive integer, by using the fundamental theorem of arithmetic in numbers, such as ,  we know that the decimal representation of a rational number is either terminating or if it is not terminating then it is repeating.The prime factorization of a denominator of a rational number completely reveals the nature of its decimal representation.In fact, by looking at the prime factorization of the denominator of a rational number, one can easily tell about its decimal representation, whether it is terminating or non terminating, repeating.



A non zero integer ‘a’ is set to divide an integer ‘b’ if there exists an integer c such that b=ac.

The integer b is called the dividend integer ‘a’ is known as the divisor and the integer ‘c’ is known as the quotient.


For example, Three divide 36 because there is an integer 12 such that 36=3x12. However, 3 does not divide 35 because there does not exist an integer c such that 35 = 3xc Is not true for an integer c.

If a non zero integer ‘a’ divides an integer ‘b’ then we write a|b. This is read as “a divides b”.

When a|b, we say that ‘b is divisible by a’ or ‘a is a factor of b’ or ‘b is a multiple of a’ or ‘a is a divisor of b’.


We Observe that:

     -4|20, because their existence integers -5 such that 20 = -4x(-5)

     4|-20, because their existence integers -5 such that -20 = 4x(-5)

     -4|-20,  because their existence integers -5 such that -20=-4x5


Properties of divisibility:

  1. Divides every non zero integer, That is |a For every non zero integer a.
  2. 0 Is divisible by every non zero integer a, That is a|0 For every non zero integer a.
  3. 0 does not divide any integer.
  4. If a is a non zero integer and b is any integer then a|b a|-b, -a|b and -a|-b
  5. If a and b are nonzero integer then, a|b and b|a a=b
  6. If a is nonzero, integer and b, c are any two integers then,

  a|b and a|c  a|b,a|bc, a|bx , for any integer x.

  1. Ifa and c are nonzero integers and b,c are any two integers then,

     a|b and c|d  ac|bd

     ac|bc a|b





Euclid's division lemma is a fundamental mathematical result that was first stated and proved by the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid in his book "Elements". The lemma is a statement about the properties of the division of integers, and it forms the basis for many of the other results in number theory.

In its most general form, Euclid's division lemma states that for any two positive integers a and b, there exist unique integers q and r such that a = bq + r, where 0 ≤ r < b. This statement is often called the "division algorithm" because it provides a systematic way to divide one integer by another.

The proof of Euclid's division lemma is relatively straightforward, and it relies on the well-known principle of mathematical induction. This principle states that if a statement is true for a particular value of a variable (the "base case"), and if the statement is also true for any other value of the variable whenever it is true for the previous value (the "inductive step"), then the statement must be true for all values of the variable.

In the case of Euclid's division lemma, the base case is when a and b are both equal to 1. In this case, it is clear that a = bq + r, where q = 0 and r = 0. This satisfies the conditions of the lemma, because 0 ≤ r < b.

For the inductive step, we assume that the statement of the lemma is true for some arbitrary pair of positive integers a and b. We then consider the case where a is increased by a multiple of b, so that a + kb = (k + 1)b. By the induction hypothesis, we know that there exist unique integers q and r such that a = bq + r, where 0 ≤ r < b.

We can then use this equation to express (k + 1)b in terms of a and b:

(k + 1)b = (bq + r) + kb = bq + (r + kb)

This equation shows that (k + 1)b can be written as a multiple of b plus a remainder. Since 0 ≤ r + kb < (k + 1)b, it follows that the integers q and r + kb must be the unique integers that satisfy the conditions of the lemma for the case where a = (k + 1)b.

This completes the inductive step, and it shows that the statement of Euclid's division lemma is true for all pairs of positive integers a and b. This is a powerful result, because it allows us to divide any integer by any other integer using a simple and systematic procedure.

The uniqueness of the integers q and r that satisfy the conditions of the lemma is also an important property. This means that there is only one possible value of q and one possible value of r for any given pair of integers a and b. This property is useful because it ensures that the division algorithm always produces the same result, regardless of how it is applied.

In addition to the division algorithm, Euclid's division lemma has many other applications in number theory and other areas of mathematics. For example, it can be used to prove the existence and uniqueness of prime factorizations, to prove the Euclidean algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor of two integers, and to prove the well-ordering principle.

Overall, Euclid's division lemma is a fundamental result in mathematics that has many important applications. It provides a simple and systematic way to divide one integer by another, and it has played a key role in the development of many other important mathematical concepts.



Wednesday 16 November 2022

                                QUESTION BASED ON TRIGONOMETRY

Questions based on trigonometry:

  1. In a triangle ABC, right angled at A; if AB= 12cm, AC=5cm. Find all the trigonometric ratios of angle B and C?


2. In a triangle ABC right angle that be. If AC equals 5 centimeters, BC equals 3 centimetre.Find 

  1. Sin A

  2. Cos C

  3. Tan A

  4. Cosec C

  5. Sec^2 A - Tan^2 A

3) In a right-angled triangle. If angle A is acute and cot A= 4/3. Find the remaining trigonometric ratio.

Given: CotA = 4/3 

           Base (AB) = 4

Perpendicular (BC) = 3

By using Pythagoras theorem 

     AC^2 =AB^2+BC^2 

             = 42 + 32

              = 16 +9

      AC^2= 25

      AC = 5

Sin A = Perpendicular/Hypotenuse = 3/5

Cos A = Base/Hypotenuse= 4/5  

Tan A = Perpendicular/Base=3/4     

Cosec A = Hypotenuse/Perpendicular= 5/3

Sec A = Hypotenuse/Base= 5/4

4) For the given figure, if cosˠ=513 and cosβ= 35 Find the length of BD?

In ABC, Cosˠ = 5/13 =BC/AC

                 If BC= 5k, AC= 13k

                 AC^2= BC^2+ BC^2

                 (13k) ^2= 12^2+ (5k) ^2

                  169 k^2 = 144 + 25 k^2

                   169k^2-25k^2 = 144

                    144 k^2= 144

                          k= 1

                   BC =5k

                   BC = 5m

In CDE, Cos β = 3/5 = CD/CE

                 If CD = 3p, CE = 5p

                 CE^2=CD^2 + DE^2

                  (5p) ^2=(3p) ^2 + 8^2

                   25p^2 = 9p^2+ 64

                   25p^2- 9p^2 = 64

                       16p^2 =64



                CD= 3P 

                CD = 6m

                BD =BC + CD

                BD = 11m

5) If sin B = ½, Show that 3cosB - 4COS^3B =0


Solution : We have, 

                sinB = ½ = perpendicular/hypotenuse

                So let us draw a right triangle ABC, right angled at C such that Perpendicular = AC=1 unit, Hypotenuse = AB = 2 units.


Applying Pythagoras theorem in ABC, We obtain


AB^2 = BC^2 + AC^2

BC^2 = AB^2 - AC^2

BC^2 = 2^2 - 1^2

BC^2 = 4-1

BC^2 = 3

BC = 3

cos B = BC/ AB = 3 /2


3 cosB - 4 cos^2 B = 3x 3 /2- 4 (3 / 2)^3

                               = 33 / 2 - 4x 33 / 8

                               = 33 / 2 - 33 / 2

                                = 0 

Hence proved 

     3 cos B - 4 cos^3 B = 0

Friday 11 November 2022




                  Trigonometry is an important branch of mathematics. The word trigonometry is derived from the Greek words 

  • Trigonon  means a triangle

  •  Mentron  means measure.

Hence trigonometry means the science of measuring triangles, so we can define trigonometry as a study of relationship between the sides and angles of right-angle triangle. in a broader sense it is that branch of mathematics which deals with the measurement of size and the angles of a triangle, and the problems allied with angles.



         Consider a ray OA, if this ray rotates about its end point O and takes the position of OB then we say that the ∠AOB has been generated. 


   An angle is considered as the figure obtained by rotating a given ray about its endpoint.  The revolving ray is called as a generating line of the angles the initial position OA is called the initial side and final position OB is called the terminal side of the angle. The end point about which the ray rotates is called a vertex of the angle. The measure of an angle is the amount of rotation from the initial side to the terminal side.

Notation of angles:

     To indicate an angle any letter of the English alphabet can be used but in trigonometry in general the following Greek letters are used

  • Θ (Theta)

  •  Φ (Phi)

  •  α (Alpha)

  •  β (Beta)

  •  γ(Gama)

Concept of perpendicular, base and hypotenuse in a right Triangle:

For any acute angle (which is also known as the reference angle) in a right-angled triangle, the side opposite to the acute angle is called the perpendicular; the side adjacent to it is called the base and the side opposite to the right angle is called the hypotenuse.

Trigonometric ratios

                The most important task of trigonometry is to find the remaining sides and angles of a triangle when some of its sides and angles are given. This problem is solved by using some ratios of sides of a triangle with respect to its acute angle. The ratio between the length of a pair of two sides of a right-angled triangle is called trigonometric ratio. 

                  The three sides of a right-angle triangle give 6 trigonometric ratios namely sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant. In short, these ratios are written as sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, cosec.

In a right-angled triangle ABC for acute angle A:

  1. Sine (sin) is defined as the ratio between the length of the perpendicular and hypotenuse. 

      Sin A= (Perpendicular / Hypotenuse) = (BC / AC)

  1. Cosine (cos) Is defined as the ratio between the length of base and hypotenuse.

       Cos A = (Base / hypotenuse) = (AB / AC)

  1. Tangent (tan) Is defined as the ratio between the length of perpendicular and base 

         Tan A = (Perpendicular / base) = (BC / AB)

  1. Cotangent (cot) Is defined as the ratio between the length of base and perpendicular

          Cot A = (Base / perpendicular) = (AB / BC)

  1. Secant (sec) Is defined as the ratio between the lengths of hypotenuse and base.

        Sec A = (Hypotenuse / base) = (AC / AB)

  1. Cosecant (cosec) Is defined as the ratio between the length of hypotenuse and perpendicular.

                  Cosec A = (hypotenuse / perpendicular) = (AC / BC)

Similarly for acute angle C In their right-angle triangle ABC,

you can refer to the image given above. 

  1. Sin C= Perpendicular/Hypotenuse = AB/AC

  2. Cos C= Base/Hypotenuse = BC/AC

  3. Tan C= Perpendicular/Base = AB/BC

  4. Cot C = Base/Perpendicular = BC/AB

  5. Secant C = Hypotenuse/Base = AC/BC 

  6. Cosec C = Hypotenuse/perpendicular = AC/AB

Theorem: The trigonometric ratios are the same for the same angle. 

Proof: Let ∠XAY = Be an acute angle, with the initial side AX and

the terminal side AY. Let P and Q two points, both different from A on

the terminal AY. Draw perpendiculars PM and QN from

P & Q respectively on AX. We have to prove that the

trigonometric ratio of angle are same in both

the triangles AMP and ANQ.

In AMP and ANQ we have, MAP = XAY = NAQ and AMP = ANQ = One right angle.

Thus, the corresponding angles of the triangles AMP and ANQ

are equal and, therefore by AAA similarity criterion we obtain. 


In ΔAMP, we have

       sinθ = PM/AP sinθ = QN/AQ (using 1)

This shows that the value of sinθ is dependent on the position of the point P. Similarly, it can be proved that the other trigonometric ratios are independent of the position of the point P. 

Points to remember:

  • Trigonometry is defined as the study of the relationship

between the sides and angles of a right-angle triangle. 
  • Trigonometric ratios are defined for an acute angle

  • Sin A= Perpendicular/Hypotenuse = BC/AC

  • Cos A = Base/ hypotenuse = AB/AC

  • Tan A = Perpendicular/ base = BC/AB

  •  Cot A = Base/ perpendicular = AB/BC

  • Sec A = Hypotenuse/ base = AC/AB

  • Cosec A = hypotenuse/ perpendicular = AC/BC

  • Cosec A = 1/Sin A

  • Sec A = 1/Cos A

  • Cot A = 1/Sec A